General Information

A treat from panda at its home for FREE! With support from China National Tourism Administration and to thank fans for the support over the past 3 years, iPanda invites U to Chengdu Giant Panda Center for Free. A precious invitation to be panda’s guest and see the new born cubs with your own eyes!

Event 1: Hong Kong, Taiwan

Panda fans from Hong Kong,aged 18+, cook a dish of Sichuan cuisine with panda element and upload your photos of the dish, or the process of making the dish, or better, both to the event page of iPanda Facebook. The winners will get the invitation to panda’s home!

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Event 2: Thailand, Malaysia, Mexico

Panda fans from Thailand,Malaysia and Mexico, the black and white photo is for you to paint or photoshop with! Fill the blank area with colors and with panda image(s) and upload your works to the EVENT PAGE of iPanda Facebook, along with a short description detailing your love and your story with pandas.The winners will get the invitation to panda’s home!

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Event 3: US, UK, South Korea

Panda fans from USA, UK and South Korea, camera you tell a story of panda(s) and you say the sentence "I wanna go to Chengdu to see pandas" in Sichuan dialect,as well as your own story with pandas and upload the video to the EVENT PAGE of iPanda Facebook.If you are a Chinese learner and can make the video in Chinese, that's even greater! The winners will get the invitation to panda’s home! Remember when at panda’s place, speak Sichuan dialect.

【The vote is over】

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